We all have got used to hearing news of distress and tragedy on a continuous basis…. For many they already sound like mere statistical data – without even establishing the human connection to the people that are or were behind those events…
Roots has been trying hard to change this unfortunate trend – for the last 2 months the storyline of “Humans of Artsakh – Glimpse of Real War” followed the lives of ordinary young people from Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) that fell victims of a recent war – the lives that were lost or changed forever… And the video we share today is a recap of the conflict that had none and simply could not have the winner – because wars and destruction can never win, only Peace can…
These are not just words, we have the proof – YMCA Artsakh is already in preparation to hold the trauma-healing camp for local young people this summer thanks to generous contributions to their cause from all over the world – the fundraiser initiated by Roots collected thousands of Euros to be topped up by the project, so that the hope for peace lives on and triumphs – in the end!
Last, but definitely not the least – enormous credit to Lika Zakaryan, our new Media Consultant from Artsakh that brought those stories to you and herself sets and lives by best example for what we aspire for: LOVE > HATE… Always!
Since 2007 and ever growing, from the South to the North, from the East to the West of Europe – the Roots has always been there for those striving to make this world a better and safer place, a peaceful home for all. We go where the need is, responding quickly to the emerging issues with the legacy and mandate, capacity and adaptability gained for all these years.
By donating to the Roots, you invest in youth opinion leaders from all corners of Europe – varied by age, ethnicity, religion, race or wealth, but united with one strong conviction – Peace is the only way!