On February 26 – March 04, YMCA Camp Duncan, USA hosted 23 participants from various US YMCA Camps and six European YMCAs for “Campacity”, International Conference organized by YMCA of the USA.
Camps have always been a vital part of the YMCA movement. Camps that have changed the lives of thousands. The “Campacity” project is focused on building capacity for YMCA camping movement in Europe, with a focus on Ukraine.
The participants took part in different theoretical and practical sessions delivered by YMCA camp directors and professionals from different parts of the USA. Network, learn and share – that was the main purpose of the event. Thematic workshops by representatives of YMCA Camps and presentations from YMCAs of the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Georgia, Spain and Ukraine created a great atmosphere and solid platform for mutual learning, sharing and growth.
Roots staff Rezi Shavladze and Lika Zakaryan were a part of the meeting and presented the Camp Europe Project, which was one of the main topics of discussion, as a platform for future cooperation and partnership with YMCA of the USA and YMCA Europe. The presentation of the Roots work made sure that participants got the full grasp of our remarkable journey in the past and the impact we aim to make in the future.
We are very happy and privileged to partner with YMCA of the USA in this endeavor – exciting things are going to happen and we are keen to experience them together with you, peacemakers out there in Europe, across the Atlantic and beyond!
More to come!