Since its inception in 2012 and with two cohorts (2012-2014, 2014-2019) of participants that passed through it, the Roots Peace Work Institute sought to enroll young leaders of different backgrounds from across Europe, young people who were and are a voice and not an echo – eager to learn, to try, to grow… Like raw diamonds to shine after the grind.
And we believe that most of these 48 Alumni managed to develop both personally and professionally as they journeyed through PWI.
Today we share with you the story of Frah, a charismatic young leader who originates from the Horn of Africa (a country torn by decades of civil war), and lives in London at the moment. Although she hasn’t witnessed the war personally, the impact of it has made her a refugee with many questions and challenges.
Frah currently works in the public centre as a navigator for homelessness and rough sleepers.
“A very challenging yet rewarding job, a field I would have never imagined working in but my involvement and experiences with Peace Work Institute has lead me through that path and I am so indebted for being part of changing someone’s life for the better, that is priceless,” Frah says.
Through the Peace Work Institute journey, Frah has come to realize that peacebuilding is not just a job, but a personal commitment to contribute towards building peaceful communities within our own capacities.
As she mentions, she always thought that peace and the issues surrounding it were work meant for the government, but her time with the Peace Work Institute project and one specific trip to Karabakh proved to her that each of us could be a worker for peace.
“The trip to Karabakh was a trip that resonated with me on so many different levels, I felt a sense of inner belonging, it felt so close to home, I saw my hopes and dreams in the eyes of each and everyone I met during this trip. A trip that ignited in me a passion and eagerness to seek whatever opportunity may present itself and be a peacemaker (and peacekeeper) in my own surroundings.
Peace Work Institute was an opportunity to be transformed by perspectives and stories from around the world that I may otherwise have never even known existed. I have had so many rich experiences and opportunities with the Roots that will forever shape and influence my professional life while fostering personal growth and development. I have made lifetime friendships and connections that would otherwise never exist. The experiences I have gained through Peace Work Institute has had an enormous impact on my personal life, an impact that has changed the lens through which I view the world and my life in it,” shares Frah.
Frah was also loved by the people of Karabakh, till now the YMCA Karabakh members remember her with fond memories and are looking forward to meeting her again, as she was open and warm-hearted to those human beings living in a conflict region.
The safe spaces created during the Peace Work Institute scheme allowed for openness, diversity of stories, learning and sharing of experiences. It inspired Frah and other participants to believe that peace is a reality that is not impossible to achieve. She learned how basic civility to others in our community and communities all over the world can make a positive impact that travels further than we can even imagine.
“It has also taught me to live my life with integrity and character and inspiring a positive change in myself and in the lives of those around me that I make peace with.
I appreciate the PWI for no other reason than for the fact that I now feel more able to take the proverbial step into another person’s shoes and imagine their struggles, feel their hopes, and respect their successes and failures.
PWI has made me feel more deeply for other people and has put into perspective the highs and lows in this world. I hurt more and I love more deeply, I see more joy and much more sorrow, I’m more introspective and less impatient.
PWI to me is Growth, Change, and Belonging and I would encourage any young person who is presented with any opportunities like PWI to dive right in for it will shape your life for the better,” Frah Saeed.
Since 2007 and ever growing, from the South to the North, from the East to the West of Europe – the Roots has always been there for those striving to make this world a better and safer place, a peaceful home for all. We go where the need is, responding quickly to the emerging issues with the legacy and mandate, capacity and adaptability gained for all these years.
By donating to the Roots, you invest in youth opinion leaders from all corners of Europe – varied by age, ethnicity, religion, race or wealth, but united with one strong conviction – Peace is the only way!