For every YMCA person and no matter where we hail from, June 6th is a special day – this is when our organization was born way back in 1844.
And ever since it has been the journey that touched and changed the lives of millions around the world! Generations are inspired by the story of those 12 young people that “…in the living quarters of Hitchcock & Rogers” had a dream to “create a place that would not tempt young men into sin”.
Soon “the place” and “young men” were to become millions of all genders and ages in more than 100 countries… and growing! So it was perhaps symbolic that eventually 12 young people responded to the Roots challenge to celebrate our birthday with a dance performance powered by what everybody recognizes us easily with – the YMCA Song!
Here they are regardless of gender, age, race or social status – celebrating our diversity and legacy to cherish and carry on!