YMCA Czech Republic emerged as one of the pioneers to get involved in the Camp Europe pilot initiative. Demonstrating an unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality programs for Ukrainian children, the organization elaborated an immersive camp experience that created unforgettable memories for those most in need of such enriching engagements.
Over the span of a month-long program, the YMCA Czech Republic team held five distinct camp programs, each characterized by unique thematic and activity-driven pursuits. Among the 70 attendees, a considerable 72% comprised Ukrainian Children.
The camp’s program included the following activities:
1. “Art Camp In the Footsteps of Animals” – During this week-long program, stories about the friendship between a fox and a rabbit were told. Together with a wide range of activities, this was a fantastic way to teach kids about friendship and being kind to each other.
2. “The Wild West Camp” – This camp took participants to a realm far from the modern world and technologies, immersing them in the charm of the Wild West, teaching them practical skills and promoting the core values of the YMCA.
3. “The Olympic Games Camp” – This camp focused on the physical development of children. It taught them to love nature and the importance of staying active, all while having a great time. Little champions had a chance to demonstrate their skills, and celebrate each other’s success together.
4. “Nature Enchants and Paints Art Camp” – Through this program, children were introduced to various ways of expressing themselves and being ingenious. The camp widened the door to the enchanting world of imagination and creativity while acquiring practical skills for everyday life.
5. And the fifth camp, “Journey to the Real Treasure” – This adventure-packed camp involved experiences such as canoeing, paddleboarding, walks by the waterfall and immersing themselves in mesmerizing scenery. The program was filled with an array of activities, which fosters mental well-being and contributes to children’s physical development.
Summing up the accomplishments of each camp and the team’s unwavering dedication to crafting unforgettable experiences for Ukrainian children is a story that cannot be narrated in a single sentence.
Camp Europe and all participating camps are more than just venues for games and adventures. They serve as spaces for healing and rejuvenation, offering inspiration and motivation for peace and togetherness. It’s about the will to help and support one another; it’s about the drive to bring about positive change and Do No Harm. Apart from the high-level program that the YMCA Czech Republic team delivered for Ukrainian children, there are other narratives that need to be told, and we are pleased to be the messenger of one of the inspiring stories that the team shared with us.
Story of YMCA Czech republic and The Musician from Ukraine
“Supporting people and supporting the community goes beyond camp and the fate of the entire Ukrainian community is close to our hearts. Unfortunately, we cannot influence the course of the war, but we are trying to mitigate as much as possible the impact on those whom God has sent us. There are that many stories! I would like to share one of them with a happy ending. About six months ago, a mother of two children, a teacher in our Ukrainian kindergarten, asked me if we as YMCA could try to invite her husband, whom she misses more and more, to our country. Without a verified invitation, the Ukrainian authorities would never allow Mr. Vasyl to visit us, even though he has a wife and children here whom he has not seen for a year and a half. We immediately started negotiations, started cooperation with the university where Mr. Vasyl works, and we succeeded. Mr. Vasyl spent a wonderful four weeks with us, and of course with his wife and two children. Since he is a professional musician, he also volunteered at our camps and other events and prepared wonderful workshops for the children. He went back to Ukraine and took his family with him. His wife and children will come back to our country again, but we are already planning another invitation!”
We would like to thank YMCA Czech Republic for the commitment and hard work, and for creating a summer wonderland for the little ones.